Daily News is a tabloid newspaper that was founded in 1919 and was the first U.S. newspaper to be printed in tabloid format. The paper became known for its sensational crime and scandal coverage, lurid photographs, and cartoons and entertainment features. The newspaper is currently owned by tronc and has a left-leaning editorial policy.
The Daily News Sentiment Index is a high frequency measure of economic sentiment based on lexical analysis of news articles on economics-related topics. The index is constructed as a time series using trailing weighted averages, with the weights declining geometrically with the length of time since article publication. The index is updated at a weekly frequency. This index is a component of the FRB San Francisco Economic Letter.
Unlike many other daily newspapers, the New York Daily News has a very wide distribution. As of the 2017 circulation figure, it is one of the ten most widely circulated newspapers in the United States, with more than 2 million copies sold per day. It is also the second largest newspaper in the city. The paper has a reputation for being highly opinionated and politically aggressive, often publishing controversial material.
In addition to the main daily edition, the New York Daily News also publishes a variety of supplements and special issues. These include the Yale Daily News Magazine, WKND, and the First Year Issue. The paper also publishes several special annual issues, including the Yale-Harvard Game Day Issue and Commencement Issue.
Besides these, the Daily News has a weekly editorial supplement called The New York Times Magazine. The supplement covers topics ranging from health and fitness to current events, and is edited by the paper’s staff writers. Occasionally, the Times Magazine also publishes essays, fiction, and poetry.
The Daily News is a multi-platform media company with multiple platforms, including an online presence and a mobile app that allows readers to download the newspaper as PDF files and read it offline. It is a member of the Independent Media group of companies, South Africa’s leading multi-platform content publisher.
‘Death of the Daily News’ is a rich, fascinating, and necessary anatomy of what happens when a town loses its local newspaper. Amid the broader discussion about the future of journalism, this book offers hope that local newspapers can find ways to survive and thrive. Supremely well written, tremendously insightful and remarkably hopeful.”–Andrew Conte, author of The Great American Meltdown and Distinguished Professor of History at the University of Southern California.