Daily News is a morning tabloid newspaper published in New York City. It was the first successful tabloid in the United States and once had the largest circulation of any newspaper in the world. Founded in 1919 by Joseph Medill Patterson, who had also published the Chicago Tribune, the Daily News initially focused on sensational crime, scandal, and violence stories, lurid photographs, cartoons, and entertainment features. It was a huge success, and by 1930 its circulation had reached 1,520,000.
During the Depression, the paper attracted readers with coverage of political wrongdoing such as the Teapot Dome Scandal and social intrigue such as the romance between Wallis Simpson and King Edward VIII that led to his abdication. The Daily News became an early user of the Associated Press wirephoto service and employed a staff of photographers. It was also known for its Broadway theater reviews and celebrity gossip.
In 1975, the Daily News rolled out what would become its most famous headline. Following President Gerald Ford’s speech vetoing a bankruptcy bail-out for New York City, the front page of the Daily News read “FORD TO CITY: DROP DEAD”. The newspaper remained in operation until 1995, when it moved from its home of 65 years at 220 East 42nd Street (known as 5 Manhattan West) to a single floor office space. Its former headquarters was a distinctive, skyscraper-style building designed by architects John Mead Howells and Raymond Hood.
The Daily News’ online presence offers a variety of resources for people interested in politics, business, culture, and more. The website includes original articles and blog posts, a video newscast, and several subscription services. Among these subscriptions are the IPO Daily NewsTM, which delivers a three- to five-paragraph summary of patent and trademark opinions from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit the day after they are issued, as well as wire service stories on selected IP cases.
This section of the website provides aspirants with a comprehensive and up-to-date source of information on daily current affairs, which is an essential part of UPSC preparations. This content is presented in a visual manner, making it easy for aspirants to comprehend and retain the information. These handouts also facilitate note-making, thereby saving time and effort.
The ‘Daily Current Affairs for UPSC CSE’ video and handouts are an excellent resource for preparing aspirants for the upcoming examination. The notes offer a detailed breakdown of the important aspects of each topic, thus simplifying the study process for aspirants. In addition to this, they help aspirants remain updated with global occurrences and stay in touch with current events. The content is constantly updated to ensure that aspirants receive the most accurate and up-to-date information. Moreover, it provides aspirants with a thorough understanding of the subject matter, helping them score higher in the exam. Thus, making this study tool a must-have for every UPSC aspirant.